Thursday, 21 July 2011

A change of pace

Since I've arrived in the UK, I have managed to stay pretty busy, all the while enjoying my experiences but also craving a regular schedule. Although I still don't have a set schedule, things have begun to settle down. I got to the cake shop twice a week and the rest of the days are spent planning our weekends so there's really been nothing to blog about recently.

Today, rather than planning, I spent the day writing my personal statement and updating my resume. The application for my certificate in nonprofit management is due soon so I thought it was about time to get on that. I also started looking for jobs for when I get back. It looks like there's a lot out there, and the organizations have meaningful missions. Fortunately, I am in a position where I don't have to work. Yes it's tight sometimes, and yes I've been going crazy not working regularly for the past year, but this gives me the opportunity to find the organization that best fits me. I don't mean to sound snooty or to imply that I choose not to work, as this is not the case. I fully believe in doing something you really enjoy and believe in and am fortunate enough to be able to take my time finding the right organization. My first year of grad school, I decided I would be a full-time student and keep my eyes open for some part-time work. I had a couple of temporary positions here and there that I really enjoyed. That set-up really worked well, especially being newly-wed and in a new city.

Last year, I did struggle with getting out of the house before 5pm (when I left for my evening classes) most days, due to my heavy study load. I felt like I was living under a rock, especially at midterm and finals times. My free week night was dedicated to date night so I could see my husband before 9pm, Fridays we went to shul and/or Shabbat dinner with friends or family and Saturday nights were hard to out because I taught Sunday School in the morning.

This year however, I will taking a mix of in-class at U of H and online courses at A&M (whoop). My husband will be gone for most the first semester and I'm starting to get scared of finding a new routine. This semester will prove even more difficult because I'm only taking one onsite course rather than my usual three. I intend to study more at Panera, Starbucks and Boarders (for as long as they are around), just to make myself get out. I also hope to find a job, part-time would be preferred but it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to cut back to being a part time student with a full-time job.

Wow, this has gone on longer than I originally planned. I didn't mean to ramble on about the above topic but it did feel nice to put it on "paper." Back to what's going on here. The Husband will finally be going offshore. It's bittersweet in that this is what he came here to do, but is leaving me (selfish, I know). He'll only be gone for ten days and then we'll be on our way to Brussels for our anniversary. In the mean time, I thought I'd keep myself busy:
 I got some videos from the library to watch while he'd gone. I also have a few more books to tackle.

Remember how I have been unmotivated to work out? I finally got motivated but it's been raining every day so I can't run, I can't ride and I don't belong to a gym (well, I do, but it's in Houston so not really). Usually when it rains here, you don't really get wet, it's more like a long mist or sprinkle. But apparently, the summer rain is worse (as proven in the past two weeks). It's definitely more like a Houston rain, one that you don't want to get stuck in. Recently, friends and blogs I follow have been talking about Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. It's been sitting in my Netflix queue and I realized I should have brought that DVD rather than The Hangover. Thinking about how I messed that one up, I looked what the library had in stock:
When I got home, I goggled some reviews of this DVD and they look pretty good. The DVD is due in a week so I'll try it out and keep you posted on my thoughts.

Now, if you're like me, and want to take a nap after reading all of this, be my guest! That's where I'm headed.


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