Friday, 24 June 2011

Where in the world?

Although I'm from Houston, as you all know, I'm spending my summer in the UK. You all know this as the only people who have been told about this blog are those on Facebook and if you're following me on FB, you well know where I am.

My husband (who has decided he would like an alias, not because he's afraid of being named but he's just that dorky...but is still thinking of something witty), has been moved to the UK for a few months for work. We don't know when he'll be back in the states but my return ticket is for August. We are currently in a town called Farnborough. It is a 47 minute train ride from London, Waterloo. After a bit of a crazy week after moving from another town, Camberley, we are here permanently so it's time to set up shop. I will be sure to take some pictures of the place once I do laundry and dishes. We don't have a car but the buses, trains and underground (in London) are very easy to figure out. I do love getting around on public transportation and wish Houston did a better job of it. It's also nice to walk around (when it's not raining) as the farthest part of town is really only about a mile. 

So today, I took a stroll to the main shopping center, The Meads. The Meads consists of 3 adjacent shopping malls: King's Mead, Queen's Mead and Princes' Mead. There, I picked up my very first fascinator: 

It's really just a headband with bows and feathers all over it but I think I'll go back this week and pick up one that clips on or one more hat-like.

Then I went to Pound Land (where everything's a Pound!) to pick up a few more things that we need for the house like hangers, cotton balls and I found a hair towel there. I don't generally shop at the Dollar Stores back home but Pound Land has much more to offer. I stopped by one more store where I got a shelf for our tiny bathroom (I thought I had a small bathroom back at home but this definitely takes the cake).
Don't let the camera fool you, there's a whole foot and a half between the toilet and the door and the 2.5ft x 2.5ft shower is to the right of the toilet.The thing under the sink is what I bought and just finished putting it together. 

After shopping I headed home. This is just a quick pic of the scenic view.

Now it's time to tidy up a little more. 



  1. OMG! well I'm happy for once I looked at your FB or I would have missed reading this! Miss you! :)

  2. What an adventure!!! I hope y'all have a wonderful time being over there--can't wait to read all about it!

  3. Hey Lena!

    I don't think my last comment posted, but I just wanted to let you know that I found your blog on fb and it's so fun to read! Happy Blogging!!
